Master’s Degree Programs

Naval and Nautical Design

Departments: University of Genoa (DAD e DITEN) – and Politecnico di Milano
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Ratti

Information about the course: Naval and Nautical Design

Naval and Nautical Design

The professional figure of the Naval and Nautical Designer, graduating from a Master’s degree program, unique in Italy, is able to manage the complexity of the project, from the development of the concept through to the realization phases.
The fundamental purpose of the Degree Course is the formation of a systemic design capacity, enabling the graduate to interpret the profession, anticipate trends, operate in the planning phase, follow the execution, and evaluate the impact of choices made.
The study of the context, the construction of scenarios, the capacity to represent and communicate are all parts of the preparation of the graduate, without forgetting the cultural and historical knowledge that characterizes the field.


The Degree program responds to a high demand, not only nationally, but also internationally.
The range of objects of study presents a remarkable variety: from luxury yachts, in which there is a need for significant sensibilities to contemporary languages, to the design of interiors of ships destined for tourism, but also for schools or hospitals; from the design of a high performance boat, in which the hull and propulsion are the most relevant aspects, to the design of new modes of transport on water.
Therefore, the student must be able to understand the contexts of use, to delineate the trend lines, to imagine the manner of use, and to create new services and products.

The Course Catalogue foresees a degree program in which there are design laboratories and workshops that allow students to learn how to manage the complexity of a project: in the laboratories the knowledge is integrated and developed both in technical-engineering classes and in classes in the humanities.
The collaboration of two universities, with five departments, permits an educational path that integrates different skills and different educational approaches.
The final exam consists of a discussion, in front of a special commission, on an original scientific and technical thesis developed under the guidance of a professor.


The main employment opportunities for a Naval and Nautical Designer are: studies and design companies; companies and agencies operating in the design field in all sectors of application of the discipline; public and private institutions; freelance work.
Over 80% of Master’s degree graduates in Naval and Nautical Design find employment in the above-mentioned sectors within 12 months of obtaining their degree.

Programs and teachers



Coloro che devono effettuare per la prima volta la prova di verifica della preparazione personale sono invitati a effettuare la pre-immatricolazione, inviare copia della propria carriera universitaria al manager didattico all’indirizzo luca.panico@unige.it e  partecipare al test che avrà luogo nei giorni e negli orari indicati nell’allegato pubblicato nella sezione “Allegati & Link”
I candidati che hanno superato la prova di verifica della preparazione personale possono perfezionare la propria iscrizione online come indicato qui  http://www.studenti.unige.it/iscrizioni/preimmatricolazioni/. Con pagamento di mora sarà possibile immatricolarsi entro e non oltre il giorno 8 aprile 2018.
I candidati che non hanno superato la prova di verifica della preparazione personale sono invitati a prendere visione della verifica svolta contattando il manager didattico all’indirizzo luca.panico@unige.it in vista del prossimo test.


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