Department: of Naval, Electric and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications (DITEN)
Prof. Dario Boote
Course information: YACHT DESIGN
The MSc degree program will supply you with the method of study and the basic scientific skills required to keep you up-to-date in the profession.
This course will also provide you with the technical-professional skills for the world of work, and will teach you to apply methods, techniques and tools which are available today, both as freelancers and in the manufacturing and service companies, for production, advanced design, planning, scheduling and complex systems management.
In the meantime you will be acquainted with the professional and ethical responsibilities that your work will require. Particularly, the occupational opportunities for the Yacht Design MSC degree graduates are: vessel and yacht building and refitting yards (building and refitting shipyards), pleasure craft sector operators, classification registers and surveying boards, design and consultancy professional studios and research institutes.
If you have the knowledge to be accepted, and if you follow the lessons and exercises, the degree program will allow you to achieve, on time, learning objectives agreed upon by every interested party-yourself, the Ministry, the faculty, lecturers, industry agents, etc. These objectives establish what you will learn, the requisite known-how, and the suggested professional behavior that are necessary elements for an effective entry into the world of work or to pursue a higher degree. As required by European guidelines, learning objectives are related to the following: applying knowledge and understanding, making judgments, communication skills and learning skills.
To be an MSc Yacht Designer you will be required to have both the necessary know how as well as the skills to put them into practice. You will also need to be able to continuously update your education and stay up on the steady scientific and technological developments. The necessary know-how for the Yacht Designer consists of really diversified elements belonging to different disciplinary fields. That it is why the lectures offered regarding common basic disciplines, especially in Industrial Engineering (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Technology), are indispensable with subsequent studies and ship theory disciplines, which will enable you to acquire skills regarding:
1 naval architecture, that concerns hydrostatics (geometry, equilibrium, buoyancy) and hydrodynamics (motion resistance, propulsion, sea keeping);
2 ship structures, that concerns hull and structure scantlings, (loads, drawing and scantling, robustness testing) and building methodologies;
3 marine engineering, that concerns propulsion (engine compartments, shaft lines, propeller), boat services – particular installations and also auxiliary machineries;
4 design, that concerns the distribution space criteria, ergonomics and aesthetics from an overall point of view and the individual yacht element as well.
The final thesis will allow you to apply the knowledge and skills achieved and will offer you the opportunity to work in a shipyard or in a laboratory, where you will develop other professional skills to augment your education, such as: behavioral skills (communication, conflict resolution, etc.), people skills, and teamwork.
Be advised that you can do part of your study abroad, benefiting from the specific athenaeum scholarship (Erasmus program) and agreements stipulated by the degree with many of the most prestigious European universities.
Attachments and links
Presentazione a cura di Campus Italia (Rai)
Presentazione (in inglese)
Condizione occupazionale (anno 2018)_Yacht Design
Dalla Scuola al Lavoro (sintesi degli incontri svolti)
Date e commissioni colloqui accesso LM Yacht Design 17-18
Requisiti per ammissione alla LM Yacht Design
Calendario Accademico A.A. 2018/19
Orario I Semestre LM Yacht Design a.a. 2019-20
Calendario degli esami LM Yacht Design di profitto A.A. 2019/2020
Calendario sessioni prova finale Yacht Design a.a. 2018-19
Manifesto degli Studi CLM Yacht Design A.A. 2019/20
Regolamento didattico Yacht Design coorte 2019-21
Rappresentanti eletti nel CCS
Programs and teachers